7&7is Box Set Giveaway / Bald-Faced Bribe
Thanks to Bruce Brown we are going to GIVE AWAY this super rare 7&7is wooden 7” record box – WITH 2 super rare 7inch singles AND a SIGNED CD! The winner will also get a True Tunes Swag Pack including buttons, stickers, guitar picks and a patch!
To be eligible to win: 1: Subscribe to the email list at TrueTunes.com, 2: Follow the True Tunes Gallery Stage Mixtape, 3: Follow / Like @TrueTunesNow on Facebook, 4: Follow @truetunesmusic on Instagram, 5: Share a post about the new podcast episode featuring @micro77s (Michael Roe) on Facebook, Insta, Twitter, TikTok or somewhere else, 6: Share THIS post about the giveaway, 77: Email JJT at TrueTunes.com with “Doc Box” in the subject and a confirmation in the body of the email that you have done all of the required things and would like to be entered to win. (Include your mailing address in the message too.)
There will be several “second place” prizes added (records, swag, etc) as the entry numbers rise. All eligible entries will be placed into a randomizer and a winner will be announced after July 4. Thanks, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Oh – also – all Patreon supporters of True Tunes will automatically be entered TWICE! No need to do anything at all. In fact, all Patreon backers will be automatically entered into ALL future giveaways as long as their accounts are active. Did we mention that Patrons are ALREADY listening to Part 2? Hmmm… 🙂