@45RPM Robert Deeble and The Space Between Us
We’ve loved Robert Deeble for a long time around here. His brand of thoughtful alternative folk fit right in with artists like Over The Rhine, Vigilantes of Love, Innocence Mission, and Victoria Williams – and his side gig as a graphic artist lent a gorgeous visual perspective to all of his releases. His output has slowed over the last couple of decades as he became a successful psychologist and built a thriving practice in Oregon. So it was very good news indeed when we heard that he was about to release a new album – produced by Ric Hordinski no less! With many of us feeling more than a little on edge these days, we thought a touch-base with our favorite songsmith-turned-therapist was long overdue.
In this special @45RPM episode of the show we focus on clips of JJT’s full conversation with Robert. These bits focus on his new album – a beautiful collection entitled The Space Between Us for which he is currently seeking support via Kickstarter for a vinyl and CD release. And if you dig this, you can head over to OUR PATREON PAGE to hear the REST OF THE STORY! Patreon now allows a “free membership” – and it would be awesome if you would take a minute to sign up (for free) and take a listen. We will be posting more special content exclusively on that page (and even more on the paid side) from now on!
And don’t forget to head over to Kickstarter and back Robert’s awesome project!
Robert Deeble Songs Used In This Episode:
The First Lady of Peru
Rock a Bye
Orphan Song
911 to Orson Welles
Covid Moon
Boy Like Me
Pleasure To Burn
Not On Your Team
The Attic of Desire
The Forest from the Tree
If you liked this episode, don’t miss these:
Bruce Cockburn: Kicking at the Darkness for 50 Years (and counting!)
Eric Earley (Blitzen Trapper) + Sacred Psychedelia on the Jukebox (w David Bunker)