David Eugene Edwards of Wovenhand: Apocalypse Ain’t for the Faint of Heart

Few artists have committed to the ethic of apocalyptic – even gothic – Americana as completely as Colorado’s David Eugene Edwards. From his early work with The Denver Gentlemen and 16 Horsepower to the last two decades of material he has offered via Wovenhand, Edwards practically haunts every stage, and album, with spirits that are simultaneously spectral and Biblical. On this episode of the True Tunes Podcast, John J. Thompson sits down with Edwards in front of a live audience at the Audiofeed Festival in Champaign, Illinois to talk about his origins, his musical concepts, and his mystical perspectives on everything from the nature of art and humanity to the essence of spirituality and redemption.
Then we crank up the jukebox to hear some other seminal apocalyptic music – and consider the value and purpose of provocative art in general. What is it that is being hidden, revealed, discovered, or avoided, when we drop the needle these days?
Full Show Notes and a special Apocalypse Rocks Playlist are available HERE or at TrueTunes.com/Wovenhand
The True Tunes Podcast is sponsored by VisionTrust.org. Help us change the world one child at a time by sponsoring a child today. Visit VisionTrust.org/TrueTunes for more information. If you would like to support the show, please consider joining our Patreon community or dropping us a one-time tip and check out our NEW MERCH!
The True Tunes Podcast is sponsored by VisionTrust.org. Help us change the world one child at a time by sponsoring a child today. Visit VisionTrust.org/TrueTunes for more information. If you would like to support the show, please consider joining our Patreon community or dropping us a one-time tip and check out our NEW MERCH!
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Wovenhand Music List
Aphrodite’s Child – The Capture of the Beast
Phil Keaggy & Rex Paul – Full Circle (podcast theme)
16 Horsepower – Sinnerman; My Narrow Mind (Live)
Wovenhand – Silver Sash
Interview Set
16 Horsepower – Brimstone Rock; Coal Black Horses; Black Soul Choir
Wovenhand – Sparrow Falls; Acacia; Tempel Timber; Good Shephard; Duat Hawk; Omaha; The Speaking Hands; A Holy Measure
Aphrodite’s Child – The Four Horsemen
The Clash – London Calling
Muse – Apocalypse Please
Tom Waits – The Earth Died Screaming
Johnny Cash – The Man Comes Around
Mark Heard – Everything Is Alright
The Wayside – So Long
Midnight Oil – Dreamworld
Jack White – Please God Don’t Tell Anyone
Taylor Leonhardt – Black Mountain (Instrumental)
Spot Breaks
Phil Keaggy – Jam In the Side Pocket; Slap Happy (from Acoustic Sketches 3)
And check out our new THREADLESS STORE HERE!
Eric Earley (Blitzen Trapper) + Sacred Psychedelia on the Jukebox (w David Bunker)
DOE (plus Stevie Wonder on the Jukebox!)
Royce Lovett (plus Gospel Hip Hop on the Jukebox)
Audiofeed Festival Lineup Announcement and Interview
Terry Scott Taylor’s Beautiful Mystery
Natalie Bergman’s Jesus Music for a New Generation
Myron Butler and the Legacy of Andrae Crouch!
Andy Zipf Solo Acoustic Performance on True Tunes @45RPM
45RPM: Phil Madeira and Love Songs
Bruce Cockburn: Kicking at the Darkness for Fifty Years (and counting!)
From The Vault: Michael Been of The Call
Marc Byrd (Hammock, God of Wonders, etc)
Phil Madeira on Expanding Horizons
Kevin Max Considers Boundaries
See the full list of previous episodes HERE