Electric Jesus Film In Production, True Tunes Is There!

True Tunes is proud to be deeply involved in the production of Electric Jesus, a romantic comedy / rock and roll road story about Erik, a 16 year-old kid who heads out on the road in the summer of 1986 as the sound man for 316, a Christian metal band just barely older than him. Inspired by bands like Stryper, and guided by the somewhat dubious hand of a former Southern Gospel / Inspirational music industry huckster, these kids, and an ingénue stowaway, traipse across the American South rocking for Jesus as they make their way to the Big Time. What could go wrong?
The film stars Judd Nelson (Breakfast Club, St. Elmo’s Fire,) along with a cast of first time actors that will definitely be turning heads, and another major star who will be announced soon. It is written, directed, and produced by Chris White. True Tunes’ John J. Thompson is acting as Music Supervisor and Special Musical Consultant, while Daniel Smith of Danielson fame is the film’s composer and original music producer. It will feature music by Stryper, Rez Band, Rob Cassels Band, Lone Justice, Steve Taylor, and many others. The film is currently in production and is expected to release in 2020.
Take a tour of Erik's room in 1986 with Andrew Eakle, who plays Erik, and our Music Supervisor, John Thompson of True Tunes. Much of the decor actually comes from John's personal memorabilia, when he was sixteen and rockin' for the Lord in the summer of '86. Kudos to the vision and effort of our rock star Art Department, which built the 1986 world of Electric Jesus! And a thank you to Columbus, Georgia's John Houzer, of Houzerart for continuing to capture these remarkable moments on set.#ejesusfilm #electricjesusfilm #artdepartment #tour #80s #80smusic #rock #metalmusic #christianmetal #christianmusic #rockstar #mixtape #cassette #Stryper #RobCassels #MargaretBecker #SteveTaylor #Saint #Red #AmyGrant #PhilKeaggy #HeavensMetal #YouthChoir
Posted by Electric Jesus on Monday, September 16, 2019
We’ll be providing a lot more coverage of this project here on the site and on the podcast. For now be sure to check out Episode Three of the podcast for a “first listen” to a rough mix of 316’s cover of Rez Band’s “Love Comes Down” and watch the behind the scenes video tour of “Erik’s Room” – a set piece inspired by JJT’s own 1986 bedroom, which features posters, pictures, and props from his personal collection and provided by other friends and fans.

Also, be sure to subscribe to the TRUE TUNES EMAIL LIST to be entered for a chance to win posters, T-shirts, and other props used in the film! Also, head over to @EJesusFilm on Facebook and Instagram and “Like” those pages for continuing updates and info.
A special, limited edition T-shirt release featuring one of our favorite bands and songs of that era is on tap and releasing on a very limited format soon. Make sure to sign up so you don’t miss it.
“At the time this story was happening the church was mostly opposed to rock music, and the MTV generation was celebrating drugs and sex and excess and everything off the rails. So if you dared to talk about Jesus in the context of rock and roll that was the most rebellious thing you could possibly do. Growing up with that punk kind of aesthetic, it made sense! If you wanted to offend people at a show all you had to do was say, ‘Hey, man! You’re goin’ to hell!’ and it was like Jesus would take care of it and then the whole audience would hate you. That was the most punk rock thing you could do.” – John J Thompson, Music Supervisor of Electric Jesus, creator of True TunesNot only is John considered to be one of the top tastemakers in the industry, but his story strongly resembles that of our lead character, Erik. He was 16 in 1986, running sound for young Christian rock bands, going to Cornerstone Festival, and plastering his walls with Larry Norman posters. On top of that, John started his own zine which 33 years later has grown into the highly successful site Truetunes.com. John made a mixed tape for us– Listen along with the cast as they gear up for the making of Electric Jesus, here at his Spotify playlist called "Erik's Summer '86 Tour Mix," in the comments below.
Posted by Electric Jesus on Friday, August 16, 2019